Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Feel Better Wednesdays: Perfect!

I’ve noticed quite a few people on Twitter and Facebook posting depressing tweets and statuses lately. You’re sad, hurt, disappointed and maybe you’re letting frustration get the best of you; I get it. I’ve been there, recently actually, today just hasn’t been my day.
We all have those days when we feel like every single individual on this planet is against us. Those days were we feel like we a disappointment to not only ourselves but our friends, family and pretty much everyone around us. Whether it is a bad grade in school, a project gone wrong at work or just a mere obstacle life had in store, one wrong move and the whole town is talking and I don’t mean the good talk (is there such a thing?)
Well my dear friends, who gives a rats ass about what others say about you? People are going to talk about you regardless of what you do. Don’t live to please others because in the end you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. I understand that you want to make people proud (especially your parents) but in the end the only person you have to make proud is you.
Get back up on that horse and prove others wrong because you are wonderful. Never allow the disappointment of others affect your life because at the end of the day, what they think doesn't matter one bit. You’re strong, amazing and nothing less than perfect so don’t you ever let anyone say otherwise. But if for some reason someone or something gets the best of you, give this song a listen and relax.

X’s and O’s,