Saturday, September 21, 2013

Therapeutic Writing on a Bad Day.

You know how people say when you get one piece of bad news it shouldn't affect the rest of your day because your day is what you make of it and if you make it awful then it will be awful but really no one has bad days? Not only was that a run on sentence but it's also not that true.

Recapin' on a White Blank Page

Hey guys, just a small recap today.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Inspiration Creeps at Night.

A couple of nights ago, I woke up at three o'clock in the morning and from that moment I was wide awake. Now most of the time I hate when that happens because obviously when I finally manage to fall asleep, it's time to participate for the day but this time was different.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


It's that time again.

If you're wondering how a 22 year old chick has so much acne on her face at the moment, hopefully this post clears that up for ya, no pun intended. Seriously though, stress makes me break out like no tomorrow.