Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Feel Better Wednesdays: Hello, Goodnight!

Bad days, we’ve all had them. It’s hard to smile on days when we feel like the universe is against us, what are we supposed to do? Some people brush it off, pretend nothing happened and move on which is good for the most part but others let it affect them to their breaking point.

There’s only so much one can do on a day like this but we should never let it take a toll on us. The lyrics to “Hello, Goodnight” by The Aquabats say “So when you think this is the end, good things are just around the bend. Again, bad things are just a sign that good things will happen in due time…” and you have no idea how true those words are. Once you’ve slammed your butt on rock bottom pick your head up, acknowledge what happened then let it go. Let it go, smile and realize that there is only one way to go from there; it’s not a bad life but only a bad day.
X’s and O’s,

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