Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!

2011 has been a roller coaster of year and as cliché as it may be I am writing to take a final look at the year and say goodbye; so here it goes.
This year has been a quite a learning experience for me. From the beginning stuff has been thrown at my path and I did not know how to react, I lost friends and gained new ones. I was taught lessons in ways that I couldn’t have imagined. First off no matter how fun it may sound NEVER get an apartment with a really good friend. Sure friendships seem like they can survive anything but when you take the chance to move in with someone and learn that your values are quite different than one another you begin to have differences. It’s best to get out when you can however your friendship may crumble anyway. It is sad when these things happen because I lost a wonderful friend because of apartment disagreements but you learn who your true friends are within disputes like this.
However losing her was not as painful and regretful as losing my best friend and love of my life. Obviously this break up wins “Worst Moment of 2011”, hands down. It hurts to know that life is different now, for not only myself but for him as well. But within all this pain I found the difference between my real friends and the not so real friends.
Finding those who would be there to lend an ear and shoulder and catch me as I fall had to be an amazing moment in 2011. As much pain and tears as it caused me I must admit that if the break up never happened I would be naïve and continued to see the good in everyone rather than see the truth. I learned that people are not always who they say they are and sooner or later they will hurt you especially if they claim to be your friend. After this experience my advice to you would be that each and every one of you should be wise in those who you choose to trust.
In the end I believe the “Best Moment of 2011” was starting my blog, there were days were I wrote because I was in pain and tears and then there were days when I wrote because I was happy and overjoyed. Starting this blog allowed me to open up on another level and I gained new friends while doing so. I was unaware of the possibilities of helping others through my own faults though now realizing the situations of those that I have helped I couldn’t be more satisfied.
I am forever thankful for this experience and I know 2012 will be the year things will pick up. Life has a funny way of showing us who we are what strengths we have inside; you have to go through the rain to see to see the rainbow.  So here I am, taking one final look and letting go; here’s to page 1 of 366. Happy New Year loves.
X’s and O’s,

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