Tuesday, August 9, 2011

If you judge people you have no time to love them...

People frustrate me, whether it is because they are so full of themselves or maybe it is because they are so damn judgmental. According to a sociology class I took a couple of years back people are insecure, of course you don't need to take a sociology class to know that right? Anyway because of their insecurities people choose to bash others as an attempt to ignore their own weaknesses. What I fail to comprehend is why people think that doing so is the answer.

Would you like to know what angers me more than anything? Probably not but I am going to tell you anyway, I absolutely despise when people who "have their life together" feel the need to bash and judge others. Maybe by judging their appearances or their attitudes or something, but what angers me the most is when people talk crap about people who may or may not be suicidal. Let’s say hypothetically speaking someone posts something on a social networking site to let out frustration or maybe a cry for help, what would you do? If it were me, I would reach out to them to see if a). They are doing it for attention or b). They actually need an ear. However from what I noticed people don't do that. No, what people choose to do is bash and talk crap about them. "That b**** is doing for attention ", "Do it already if you want to so bad ", "People who are suicidal get on my nerves". Any of that sound familiar?
Honestly what gives you the right to do or say stuff like that? What gives you the right to kick someone when they are down? What if the shoe was on the other foot, how would you like it if every single person you treat like crap returned the favor? "I wouldn't care because I don't live to make no one happy ", that's what you just said, right? Here's the thing, YOU ARE FULL OF CRAP. Obviously you do care or else you wouldn't have made a statement about it, but even with that being said how would you feel? Here you are in pain crying out for help, reaching for a hand that slaps you and runs away then you happen to log onto a social networking site to find people talking about you. Get your head out of your ass because truth be told there is nothing special about you that gives you the right to act this way.
Answer this for me, what will you do when the person you judged and harassed so much actually does something to themselves? My guess is you would somehow convince yourself that you did nothing wrong, which is what most people do anyway, though I pray I am mistaken. Let's be honest here, you have no idea what people are going through; the happiest person in the world could be the one hurting the most on the inside. Emotional pain can be the most evil pain there is and it becomes that much more evil when you don't have a hand to reach out to. The point I am trying to get across is don't be so judgmental especially to someone who is suffering; only one man can judge us all and even he doesn't.
For those of you who are doing this all for attention, try doing something other than throwing yourself a pity party. There are people out there who actually need the attention and support you are selfishly receiving so get over yourself. 
To those who actually need an ear and shoulder, here are a few words. Nothing can stop you from living your life as you please so don't believe for one second that anyone or thing can. Life will have tough times, unfortunately it is kind of a packaged deal but trust that no one is worth hurting yourself over that is where you have to stop and draw the line. As cheesy as it may sound, don't ever feel like you are alone in this world because I will always be here and in the end everything will be okay; if things aren't okay, it's not the end.


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