Saturday, March 9, 2013


So far I woke up at 7:12 a.m (I'm still failing to comprehend the reason why), did a tiny bit of shopping then lunch with my bff Gabby, came home and blasted The Lumineers then Bright Eyes because both fit perfectly with today's stormy skies and now I am currently writing here and watching The Office on Netflix.

Life is good.

With that being said I really, really, really need to  stop procrastinating so much and start my speech already. I was thinking about it today and I just realized that the Cesar Chavez scholarship banquet is in SIX days and have yet to write a word. It's not that I'm not motivated because I actually have quite a few good ideas I want to jot down, no it's more that I lack time. I know I've said this before but man oh man, time is evil. I feel like I have so much to do but no time to do it, not to mention my job takes about 99.9% of my time...

Okay none of that, today is a good day and I don't want to talk about a place I loathe (work). Anyway, I definitely need to start my speech so I think I should probably log off and give it a go. With that being said, I shall leave you with this beautiful Bright Eyes song because honestly, what's more better than stormy skies and Bright Eyes? Yeah, nothing. 


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