Monday, November 4, 2013

Motivational Music Monday: Begin Again

I closed my eyes to take a  breather for what seemed like a minute or two and opened them to November. It's a bit ridiculous how fast this year has been flying by, it literally feels like a month ago I was writing my hello to 2013 post. I haven't actually been as inspired as I was in the beginning of the year but of course if you've read my last few posts here, you already know that.
Sometimes it's hard to find that desire to write for a purpose. I could bore you like I've been doing and continue writing recaps after recaps but let's face it, I'm not that interesting. However, I was inspired by a co-worker today. I read an email from said co-worker asking me what songs I find to be inspiring and make me feel better. Now obviously I have a playlist full of songs that mean the world to me, many that have helped me along the way. So I figured today, despite how late in the day (night) it is, I would start Motivational Music Monday where I shall post a song from the playlist and write a small snippet about it because who knows who may need to hear this song, or any of the songs, at this moment.

First up, Begin Again by The Summer Set.

For the most part, you all know how I feel about TSS but if you don't and feel like reading some more, why not take a detour here, here and here, it's cool I'll wait. If you'd rather not, then go ahead and mosey on down.

Finished? Sweet.

A couple of years ago this song became anthem of some sort for me because it spoke to me on different levels. It hit the topic of moving on from a break up, (It's time I put the love that I lost in a cardboard box, ship it UPS, no return address...); it hit the topic of not being afraid to take risks because there's something out there, (Ready for take off out into nothing, no there's gotta be something); it hit the topic of it being okay to fail, (If I crash, I'll begin again); and more importantly, it told me that everything's fine. Sometimes, those two words are all you really need to hear.

Take a listen and I hope you enjoy.

xo, alicia.

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