Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blast From The Past: Sophomore Year!

Sophomore year was an interesting year for me and one that I fairly enjoyed. I was 15 years old going on 16 and my favorite activity, aside from band, was tennis. That particular tennis season was will filled with new friends, new challenges and new memories. Where you have memories you know that there is a fun (or annoying) song to go with it.
In this case, it was fun, well for the most part. It seemed like every match I went to that year this particular song was playing on somewhere or someone would be singing it. With that being said you would probably think that I would have been annoyed by it by then, right? Wrong, I actually liked the song. I remember at one of the matches we went to, while waiting to play, a group of us were sitting in the bleachers and a friend of mine and I were sharing headphones so we could listen to the same songs at the same time. Of course “The Kill” by 30 Seconds to Mars came on and we started singing it, which led to a couple more joining us; good times.
Pretty much everyone knew about my love for Fall Out Boy, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise when I started obsessing over “The Carpal Tunnel of Love”. My memory of this song consists of me being at my best friend Gabby’s house one spring day eating and talking and of course on Myspace. Yes those were the years when Myspace was “in” and picking the perfect song took hours and hours of searching, luckily it was a weekend. Her house was my second home as well as my “getaway” place so being there and listening to this song was a fun memory to add onto many.
The last song I remember most from that year has to be without a doubt “Dammit” by Blink 182. It was a trip to the movies with friends at the epic “old theater” to see Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End and two of our friends happened to come late and miss pretty much the whole movie. Afterwards we all split up and headed home. On the way back the ol’ Blink 182 Greatest Hits was playing and for some reason this is the song I remember most from that night. It was a wonderful night however looking back I wish it could have lasted and things could have been differently.
You don’t have to say it because I already know I am one lame piece of art but I am perfectly fine with that portrayal of myself. Have a wonderful day and soon junior year will be here and I assure you GREAT music is within that.
x's and o's

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