Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Blast From The Past: Eighth Grade!

Welcome to eighth grade, the year you feel like an upper classmen and boss the little seventh graders around even though you were just in their shoes the year before. 2004-2005 I was 13 going on 14 years old and there was so much to handle that year, such as making campaigning posters for myself since I was running for Student Council Secretary/Treasurer that year.
I remember it being a rainy day outside, much like today, and while everyone was at lunch and doing who knows what I was inside the math teacher’s classroom making posters for my campaign with then friend, Alexis. We were listening to the radio and “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5 came on, I thought it couldn’t have come on a more perfect day. Until today I completely forgot about the song but I now remember how perfect it would be to listen to on a rainy day, like then and today.

This next song “Yeah” by Usher annoyed the hell out of me. When it first came out I remember thinking it was catchy, it wasn’t great but it wasn’t entirely awful. Thinking back, I definitely spoke too soon. I remember hearing it every fifteen minutes or so, on the radio and no matter what station I changed it to the damn song always managed to find me. I remember thinking that song was definitely overplayed. I never went to dances during junior high, I hated them, and the one dance I did happen to go to, aside from the promotion dance, was during school. As soon as I walked in the doors the song played, you could probably imagine how I felt.

The last song is “Hold On” by Good Charlotte, I don’t exactly have a particular memory for the song. What I do know is that I absolutely loved this song, if you listen closely to the lyrics you could see why it always made me happy and smile. One should never allow someone to bring them down, especially so far that they don't want to go on. I didn’t know it at the time but that would be the first song that would be on my “Feel Better” playlist and again I cannot believe I forgot about this song; take a listen.

Looking back now I laugh because a few months ago my sister showed me her stand music for the high school band to play at football and basketball games, “Yeah” is one of the lucky songs. Now if you excuse me I am going to take another look at “She Will Be Loved” and “Hold On” once again. Enjoy your day and tomorrow we shall enter high school! :) 

x's and o's,

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