Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hey June!

Hello my lovely readers, I apologize for the lack of love I have given you as of lately. Life has definitely been an interesting ride recently, so much has happened which leaves me as a big bowl of emotion. I closed my eyes for what felt like a minute or two and opened them to find that it was June. It’s insane how fast this year is already going by, as of today we’re halfway done. With that being said, if you care to give this recap a gander, here’s what I’ve been up to.
As most of you know, May is usually is a tough month for me to get through. I’ve been in school for what seems like forever when in reality, when you count how many semesters I’ve taken off, you’ll realize that I haven’t even been in school that long, as well as the fact that I am double majoring. Anyway, May is usually tough because I have to put up with everyone else’s successes of graduating. Which is amazing for them, I’m not hating or anything, but I am a little envious. Sometimes I feel like I’m never going to be done, which sometimes prompts the doubts that I’ll never make it. Of course that’s bullshit because I believe that one day this road will come to an end and that I will overcome these obstacles that were put in my path along the way. It’s hard, real hard, to believe in myself but somehow, it’s something I have to bring myself to do because if I don’t, who will?
I’ve also had to deal with the process of “mending a broken heart”. I hate that, it sounds like I am weak and pathetic, which is not something I want to own up to feeling but you know, shit happens. You can believe you’re in love with someone or in like, whatever it may be but if it’s not meant to be then you have to come to that realization that hey, shit does happen, it’s not your fault. And sure it’s going to suck when you realize that person you’re so used to being around all the time, is no longer yours to hang with whenever you want but you have to believe that time does really heal all and everything happens for a reason, even if that reason doesn’t make sense right now. It’s tough but hey, I’ll live.
Enough of the bad though.
My sister, Ernestina, graduated from high school a couple of weeks ago. She is five years younger than I am, and I still cannot get over the fact that she’s 18 as opposed to that weird little five year old who used to annoy me constantly. I’m nothing but proud of her and I know she’ll do amazing things in this world.
I dyed the ends of my hair a teal-y greenish color, which was a spur of the moment type change. I like it though, it’s different. I went to two Diamondbacks games this past week, which (in case you don’t know) is the baseball team for Arizona. I am a diehard Dbacks fan so going there twice in a week was definitely a good time for me, especially since I’ve wanted to go since Opening Day. Other than that, nothing too big and exciting has happened.
I have quite a few posts due with Musicholics4U this week but aside from that, I’ve been working on a post that I hope to have done by Friday so I can post it Saturday morning, seeing that Saturday is a special day. If you’ve been an avid follower of Music and Teacups, you might know what Saturday is but even if you don’t, this article will be a milestone for me and I am nothing but excited for you to read it.
Anyway, that’s all I really have to say for the night. It’s 11:23 pm here in Arizona and as much as I’d love to stay here and write all night, I have to be up early for work. Oh the joys of adulthood. Goodnight my dears, I shall leave you with some Bastille.


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