Tuesday, September 3, 2013


It's that time again.

If you're wondering how a 22 year old chick has so much acne on her face at the moment, hopefully this post clears that up for ya, no pun intended. Seriously though, stress makes me break out like no tomorrow.

I remember when I was 17-18 years old and I wanted nothing more than to go to college and take all these different classes for my major and some just for the fun of it. What the heck was I thinking? Here I am at 22 years old convinced that college was invented by Satan's spawn, holy crap I hate it so much.

This might not be my most intellectual post out there but you have no freakin' idea how much I hate school right now and I only started 8 days ago. I'm so over this, when is it going to end? I know I sound like some whiny pretentious dumb A, who seems to be taking the fact that I can go to school for granted but seriously, I don't want to do it anymore.

Sigh, but I must. I don't want to be that failure everyone thinks I am but sometimes it's really hard to focus. I don't know what it is but I get distracted way too easily most of the time and I always wind up doing something other than my assigned work I didn't mean to put that part out there but I mean I guess I should let people who share the same poor study habits as I do know that it will be worth it in the end right? Even if I don't believe it at the moment, it has to be true.

Don't mind me, just ranting, isn't that how I always began September here on M&T? Whatevs, thanks for listening (reading?).


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