Saturday, February 22, 2014

Biography of Heartbreak

“It feels like somebody took my heart and dropped it into a bucket of boiling tears and at the same time, somebody else is hitting my soul in the crotch with a frozen sledgehammer. And then a third guy walks in and starts punching me in the grief bone. And I am crying but nobody can hear me because I am terribly, terribly, terribly alone.”- Michael Scott, The Office

When asked to describe how one would feel during a breakup, this quote came to mind. Come to think of it, I don’t think there is a better way to describe what is going on in your mind other than what was said in that quote. Break ups are tough, thank you Captain Obvious, right? It’s hard enough to let someone in your life as it is but to let them in and watch them choose to leave is even harder. You’ve grown accustomed to having your life a certain way with this person; you have woken up to those sweet good morning text messages, shared sweet nothings throughout the day, the hugs and kisses, those sweet goodnight messages or just the fact that you were able to share your life with you adored (who adored you back) was enough.
Now here you are realizing that you will no longer be starting or ending your day with those sweet messages. Instead you will wake up and cry for a bit…actually a long bit. You'll cry because maybe you were dreaming of happier times only to find that it wasn't real once your eyes open. Chances are you'll cry a few times during random parts of the day because you’ll see their name somewhere, hear a song or visit/think of a place that will trigger memories and it will leave you in tears. You don't feel like that person who is smiling in your memory, you feel lost and broken. Once you're back in bed two things are sure to happen; you'll be glad the day is over but the waterworks will fall again because you realize that you have to do it all again tomorrow. Facing the reality of something you don't want is one of the hardest things you will experience, there are triggers everywhere. You realize that that person is no longer yours to hold, kiss and share details of your day with and you're going to want to jump in a hole and hide from the world. You're also going to want to play every single depressing song there is and cry until you feel like you can't possibly cry anymore.

Friends and family will probably tell you not to give into those feelings of self remorse. They'll tell you to cheer up, you're better off and that in due time, everything will be okay. They're right but that won't stop you from wanting to ignore the world and throwing that pity party.

Well my dear, do it. Throw that party of pity while listening to every sad song you can find, I’ll save you some time because I'm pretty sure you can find that playlist here (a lot of Taylor Swift & Tegan and Sara). Watch every sad movie, read every sad book and cry until you feel like you possibly cannot anymore. You just had your heart broken, whether it was after a year or a few months, you let someone into your life, let go and allowed yourself to fall then watched them leave. Why shouldn't you be allowed to mourn the love lost? Take all the time you need, there is no time limit and don't let anyone tell you differently. If you read Music Therapy, you may have heard this before but if you haven’t pay attention. 
Look at it this way, when you're sick with a sore throat you have no choice but to take cough syrup, no matter how awful it is. You take it and wait for it to go down in order to feel better in due time. Broken hearts and bad days are just the cough syrup you need to deal with in order for you realize, hey we are human; we do bleed, we do feel, we do fall. No matter how awful it is, take it because once it goes down, in due time you will feel better and everything will be fine.
It’s going to be hard, some mornings you won’t even want to leave your bed but you're going to have to. People will judge you at school or work because you made little to no effort in your appearance. Maybe you opted out on the makeup because you didn't want to ruin it with tears or maybe your eyes are a little red and puffy and people are staring but don't pay them no mind, they'll judge you when you're happy too so flash that smile and show that you're happy. Even if you have to fake it at first, eventually you’ll start feel it.
If you have great friends, start going out with them again, or stay in and have a movie night. Go shopping, get coffee, go for a run or whatever makes you happy. Do whatever it may be and enjoy it! Or you can do what I do and write. Write a letter to this person about how you felt and how you feel now, maybe cry a little then seal it, hide it and forget about it. Feed off these bad vibes and utilize it as inspiration. Tegan and Sara, Taylor Swift and Adele all made their pain someone else's gain, they utilize their pain into success. They showed us that yes, you're in pain but that doesn't mean you have to stop doing what you love. Once you wrap your head around this and start doing things you enjoy, you'll find yourself crying a little less and smiling a little more, listen to this playlist in the process. Eventually you'll wake to find that the thought of him/her didn't cross your mind once and get through the day without a single tear. You’ll start to realize that no, this person is in fact no longer yours but hey, you’re no longer theirs as well and that’s okay. You’re letting go of what once was and you’re letting go of the tears and heartache. You’ll come to find that though the healing process was awful, it made you stronger and you will realize how amazing you truly are. You overcame a battle that seemed impossible from the beginning and eventually you will forget how much it hurt and try again. Please remember that you shouldn’t chase anyone who doesn’t want you though just continue working hard and being amazing; the people who truly belong in your life will find you.
 You’re incredible, you’re brave, you’re legendary and you deserve nothing but the best and don’t ever let anyone tell you otherwise. But if all else fails keep in mind that sometimes we have to be broken down in order to be rebuilt into what we’re actually meant to be. What that may be, who knows? But I can promise you that it is nothing less than amazing. When you find that letter you hid, open it and read it and if you don’t have the urge to cry, rip it up and smile.

Congratulations, you’re now free and ready for this.



I was inspired to write this post after reading fellow blogger, Koree's post which can be found here. Check out her blog, it's wonderful! :)

Also, I now have a comment form which can be found to your left, in which allows you to comment without having to have a Blogger profile and will be sent to my email, I've made things a little easier for ya! :)

infinite x's and o's,