Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Great day, 'nough said.

Today has been a pretty great day. I woke up tired as hell and pretty much had a bad hair day but as I was getting ready this morning I listened to some good music which made my mood awesome. As I sat at my desk at work I noticed that there was like a bazillion and one papers that I needed to go through, enough to give me a headache. But lucky for me, I made an awesome playlist which pretty much made my day
and work go by fast without me having to look at the clock and say “ugh barely?!”. Not to mention, I got A LOT of work finished, hurray hurray! Once five o’clock rolled around I wanted to go for a run but unfortunately for me I had a paper to finish and submit and by the time I did, Modern Family was starting. There was no way I was going to miss the season premier of that show, seriously if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it! It’s pretty much the greatest show ever, not to mention they won Emmy’s because of how great they are. Anywho after Modern Family I log onto Tumblr and found that I not only have more followers but I also got a few snazzy comments complimenting my page. This is pretty cool considering I still don’t know how to use it!
As for my blog, I believe it needs a new design, problem is I suck at things like this. Anyone up for or know anyone who would be up for designing my blog? Anyone majoring in web design who’d like to practice? Let me know anyway time to hit the hay, or bed in my case. Sweetest dreams; goodnight lovelies.


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