Saturday, August 20, 2011

Music is the wine that fills the cup of silence...

Remember that one song that always made you smile when you were younger? The song that always distracted you from everything that was going wrong and everything that caused stress because within those three and a half minutes you were lost and everything was perfect. Now fast forward to today, put that very song on this precise moment, close your eyes and lose yourself within. Lie there and think of how you felt the first time you heard it, remember every emotion you felt and let it take you away.

Think of how different the world would be without the self expression of music? It would one quiet, messed up place; like a silent film. A silent film in which the musicians we love and adore use as a canvas to paint their picture. I don’t know who or where I would be without music, my heart and soul ache for it every second of the day because it shows me what my feelings sound like and for that I don’t know what to do to express my gratitude. I am at that point where I wish my life had a soundtrack, now wouldn’t that be something to hear? An album filled with Indie, Acoustic, Punk, Ska and many, many more. My love for music exists because it is art, an art in which I enjoy hearing other people create or creating it myself. I adore having the ability to figure out how to play a song I like on the flute, it gives me satisfaction knowing I can create music almost as good as the artist; now if only I can learn how to play the guitar, piano, trumpet and saxophone.
Now as you come closer to the last minute of this song, embrace all the emotion that is building up inside and don’t let go. Smile because at this very moment you know life is right where you want it and no one can take this feeling away from you. It is truly amazing how one song, whether there are lyrics or not, can lift your heart and spirits and make you feel like a better person no matter what genre you are in to. As the song comes to an end, take a deep breath and open your eyes. Nothing can stop you from feeling the way you felt within these past few minutes and don’t believe for one millisecond that something can but if you ever need that pick me up, listen to the song and I can promise you that everything will be all right.
Now let me ask you this, what is this song you hold so dear to your heart? Leave a comment below with the song and artist and don’t worry it is anonymous but if you want to leave your name feel free. At the moment, my song is Heaven Can Wait by We the Kings, this is one song that I believe to be truly beautiful and takes my heart and mind to a better place, probably because it is acoustic. Though lyrically speaking, “Here’s a song for the one who stole my heart and ran so far that Cupid couldn’t catch ‘him’. Here’s a song for the kid who aimed so high he shot her down….” literally melts my heart.

-alicia. <3

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