Saturday, November 1, 2014

End of an Era...?

Over the last three months I've come to realize that when ever I attempt to start a blog post, I immediately lose inspiration. I have yet to find out if it's due to a rather large case of writer's block or just a lack of interest. It's weird because I've realized there are times where I write something that starts off profound, in a sense, but trails off into nonsense, resulting in me not deleting every word I wrote. Then there are times where I delete everything four words into it.

I started blogging three years ago.

Well, no. 

I don't think blogging is the correct word for this. I think it's more of me writing "journal like" entries online, and posting it for the public eye to see. I never really intended to have a direct audience, or to even make a difference in someone's life, it was more of the crutch I needed to assist in my recovery. However, I have and I do, all while recovering; three birds, one stone. 

Three years later, here I am, comtemplating if I should continue doing so. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful to have wonderful supporters of my writing. I am in awe that people felt a sense of connection with me through my words. Sometimes, I still find it hard for me to believe that my words, whether they were good or not, touched many people they way that they have! To be honest, I can't even believe they even touched one person.

Maybe I'm not meant to stop writing, then again, maybe I am. Although it is kinda hard to believe that anyone would miss my nonsensical rambling. I obviously have quite a bit of thinking to do regarding the future of Music and Teacups, and hopefully we'll both know the answer to this soon but for right now, I'll leave you with the soft sounds of Bon Iver.

xo, alicia.

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