Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Reasons Not to Check Your Email, Vol.1

A few days ago, whilst checking my email, a message with the subject "friendly advice" popped up.
It stated the following:

"Hi Alicia,
I know you and you know me but that is all you need to know about that subject. After reading your writing, your Facebook statues and looking at your pictures on Instagram I thought it was time someone told you, GROW THE FUCK UP! You are 22 fucking years old isn't it time that you started acting your age? Stop going to so much concerts, it is a waste of money and time. Stop whoring yourself around to meet these bands who couldn't give two shits about you. Stop acting like music is necessary 100% of the day because its not. You really need to grow up, move on and start acting your age. No  22 year old spends that much time going to concerts,  your a little old for that shit anyway? You dont look cool you look very immature which is no wonder why your still single. For reals grow up. Im writing this because no one has the nerve to tell you which i don't get. Go to concerts when you start listening to real music, the good kind.

someone doin you a favor"

Spelling and grammatical errors have been included, I promise I don't write that bad. If you're wondering if I was offended by the above, the answer is no. I was not offended however I was a little confused as to why someone who is an acquaintance of mine, would take the time out of their "oh so fabulous and mature" life to write this. The irony of this is actually quite amusing, Mr (or Ms) Anon is annoyed by my immaturity yet they are the ones being immature. Honestly, what concern is it to anyone what I choose to do with my life or how I spend my money? 

I just don't get it.


This email did manage to inspire me to write about my love for music, live shows, bands, etc. not as an explanation to such vulgar hate but because it's been something I've been wanting to share for a while but didn't want to make the time for it. So now that you all know that it's coming, I have to write it. ;)

Until then, I bid you all farewell. 
Au revior! 

xoxo, alicia

Whomever wrote this email, as always,  this song is for you.

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