Thursday, February 14, 2013

We All Roll Along.

I have a love/ hate relationship with my job. Don’t get me wrong, I love what I do and enjoy the environment, I just would rather be doing something more hands on. I would love to be up close with the members more, get to know their stories, get to know who they are as a person and look past their addictions and/or issues. Instead I’m an Office Assistant who inputs data, answers phones, makes copies and faxes/mail out things; days like this make me wish I were that much closer to graduating that way I could actually get a job in the field of social work.

As you know, I am double majoring in Social Work and Journalism which means one day all the tears, headaches, stress, homework and sleepless nights will be worth it because I’ll be graduating with not one but two Bachelor degrees. Most of the time I am just so stoked to be a Journalist because I know that is where my passion is but lately I’ve been focusing on the Social Work part. When I really think about it, I’ve come to the realization that helping someone by giving advice or by simply lending an ear and/ or shoulder is where my heart is.  I know I can be anything but sweet and understanding at times but truth be told that is where my true passion is.
I want to be able to show someone that things will be fine in due time, I want to be able to show someone the beautiful parts of life during the ugly parts. I don’t want to do it for the recognition, I don’t want to do because I think I can heal someone; I want to do it because no matter how hard life can be, you have to remember, you can’t see the rainbow without having to go through the storm first. More people need to know this and I want to be the one to give them that sense of hope and something to look forward to in life during the tough times. People who are willing to lend an ear to a friend, family member or even a stranger are hard to find, so if you’re looking for one I want you know I’m here for you. Shoot me an email if you’d like,, and I promise I’ll try my best to help.

Till next time; infinite x’s and o’s,

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